A Life with Slate (2006, 59 min.) Director: Dipesh Kharel In Alampu, a beautiful and exceedingly remote village in rural Nepal, more than 90% of villagers work in the local slate mine. Their lives take on an almost poetic dimension, as women perform treacherous and arduous work alongside men in the mountainside mines. We learn how to separate slate slabs from the precipitous rock face and watch as miners carry heavy slate loads to distant markets. The film emphasizes the way co-operation between the miners makes this tough life bearable, and portrays moving scenes of the lives of mining families. Selected for the Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival 2007 and the Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival 2007 back to top Yearning for Learning (2006, 22 min.) Director: Kedar Sharma Twelve-year-old Bharat under...